Connecting communities with causes

Neeeco is one of Massachusetts’s most successful Home Performance Contractors.  As a Mass Save Partner, we offer the benefits of the Mass Save Program to communities throughout Eastern Massachusetts. 

From energy efficiency to charity efficiency

We were born out of a passion for delivering energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness to our customers. However, over time we recognized that there was a lot more we could be doing to help people. At the beginning of the pandemic, we realized that there were a great number of families (and pets!) that were suffering and we knew we wanted to do something but were not sure what. After inquiring with a number of charities, we discovered that a major challenge is getting donations to the right place as quickly as possible. Neeeco finally took the steps to create Neeeco Shares in December of 2020, and in the first months of 2021 we were finally able to launch.

Delivering items in need to communities

Our mission is to partner with select companies and organizations to help them achieve their charitable goals. We do this by running events, programs, and drives at their locations and then immediately deliver the donated goods to the actual charity within hours. “Connecting communities with causes” isn’t just our tagline, it is truly our core mission and it’s one we believe in and stand behind.

We believe that every person, every family, and every pet deserves to lead a happy and fulfilling life no matter what their circumstances are. We know that by running these charitable activities we will be doing our part to make our community a better place and we hope you will join us too.

If your company or organization has a charity it is currently working with and you would like to help make a difference – get in touch with us today so we can work together to help make the world a better place for everyone.


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