Connecting communities with causes

About Us

Giving back

After years of helping home and business owners in Massachusetts discover no-cost savings with an energy-efficient home, Neeeco wanted to give some savings back to the community!

Neeeco is made up of a dedicated team of professionals who are constantly working on developing comprehensive solutions to reduce home energy costs. 

We help homeowners increase their energy savings with a full suite of efficiency services that transform homes into energy-efficient homes. 

However, we have realized that a comfortable home isn’t just about energy efficiency. Things like clothing, food, and shelter are basics that most take for granted. Yet many struggling families are unable to afford these essentials for themselves OR their pets and we want to help.

In these challenging times, it’s more important than ever to support those who may need a helping hand. The goal of Neeeco Shares is to not only give back to the community but help connect community and causes with the resources needed to do the most good.

Our Mission

Helping those in need

We understand people’s lives have been disrupted more than ever, and with an uncertain future, no one knows if they’ll return to the stability of the past. In the meantime, Neeeco Shares is here to help deal with the present.

Donation fundraising

We collaborate with partners in the community to organize fundraisers for collecting donations.

Donation routing

With our fleet of trucks and a dedicated community-focused team, we route donations directly to the people and areas who need it the most in the most efficient way possible.

Energy savings education

Energy efficiency is at the core of what our parent company does so we also help inform communities of no-cost resources to make their homes more energy-efficient and save money.

Our Actions

Sending help where it's needed

A community is full of extra stuff. The challenge is moving it to where it’s needed. That’s where we help connect the dots.

Neeeco Shares arranges fundraising events where the community can make donations, from essentials like food and clothing, to pet supplies and more. We then pack it all up in our fleet of trucks and take them directly to the shelters, food pantries, humane societies and other charities focused on local help. Our mission is to connect communities and causes – and this is how we do it. 

Let’s work together to connect extra resources to the people who need them the most in your community.

1. Collect donations

Our fundraisers give the community the chance to give what they can to help others.

2. Distribute to community

We use our fleet of trucks to distribute donations where they're needed

Our News

The good we've been up to

Giving adds up


Money raised


Donations given


Familes helped
Contact Us

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